Goyo yogurt factory tour image published by Eagle.mn.
subject: Mongolia, dairy, nationalism, social media
Getting the orphan calf and the mare-camel without a calf together for coaxing (Khankhongor Sooum, Umnugobi Province)
Using the melody of Morin Khuur for coaxing the mare-camel and orphan calf (Khankhongor Sooum, Umnugobi Province)
Coaxing a baby by female sheep
Preparing for the coaxing ritual for baby camels - 3 (Mandal Ovoo soum, Umnugovi province)
The mare-camel and accepted new calf
Coaxing ritual for the camel’s calves (Bayanlig Soum, Bayankhongor Province)
The coaxing ritual for baby camels-2
The mare-camel is accepting the orphan calf (Khankhongor Sooum, Umnugobi Province)
Adopt an orpan
Coaxed mare-camel and its accepted new calf (Khankhongor Sooum, Umnugobi Province)
Livestock near a herder
Coaxing a baby sheep female goat
The mare-camel is accepting the orphan calf - 2 (Khankhongor Sooum, Umnugobi Province)
Using the melody of Morin Khuur for coaxing the mare-camel and orphan calf -1 (Mandal Ovoo soum, Umnugovi Province)
Herder boy
A female yak suckling a orpan