Alashan coverage index

Motorcycle at camel race
White, Thomas
Herder on motorcycle at a camel race. In the background is a new apartment complex being constructed, which will become home to pastoralists who have moved off the land.
subject: camels

Stone merchant
White, Thomas
A woman selling stones collected from the desert, laid out on a sheet and in boxes on the ground.
subject: camels

Camel transportation
White, Thomas
Camels being transported to a race in the back of a truck.
subject: camels

Inner Mongolia pasture fence
White, Thomas
Wire fencing to enclose household pasture.
subject: camels

Giant buil
White, Thomas
A giant buil – the wooden peg inserted through the nose of a camel and used for attaching reins or tethers – on display at the camel festival.
subject: camels