items index

Prostitution and the Transformation of the Chinese Trading Town of Ereen
Lacaze, Gaëlle
This chapter first examines the transformation of Ereen from 2007 to 2010.
subject: Prostitution, Border cities, Urbanization

Mongolia image database by Gaëlle Lacaze
Lacaze, Gaëlle
L’iconographie photographique proposée concernant les techniques du corps mongoles résulte d’une démarche interactive, d’une « ethnologie partagée » pour reprendre l’expression chère à Jean Rouch.
subject: Techniques of the body, Life cycle, Visual anthropology

La notion de « technique du corps » appliquée à l’étude des Mongols [The concept of "techniques of the body" applied to the study of the Mongols]
Lacaze, Gaëlle
The application of Marcel Mauss’s notion of “techniques of the body” to the study of the peoples of Mongolia shows how this notion must be adapted to suit each society.
subject: Techniques of the body, Marcel Mauss

L’orientation dans les techniques du corps chez les Mongols [Orientation refering to the techniques of the body]
Lacaze, Gaëlle
The Mongol yurt forms a circular area with the fireplace in the centre. Without wall, it opens on the outside through a door and a round skylight that a chimney goes across.
subject: techniques of the body, space, movement

My Native Country, My Ancestral Land
Lacaze, Gaëlle
Over the last 20 years, the Kazakhs of Bayan-Ölgiy, a Western province of Mongolia, have joined several migratory flows towards Kazakhstan.
subject: Migration, Identity, Ethnicity, Kazakhs in Mongolia, Oralman

Mon pays natal, ma terre ancestrale
Lacaze, Gaëlle
Les Kazakhs de Bayan-Ölgiy, province occidentale de la Mongolie, s’inscrivent depuis 20 ans dans divers mouvements en direction du Kazakhstan.
subject: Migration, Identity, Ethnicity, Kazakhs in Mongolia, Oralman

Le corps mongol: Techniques et conceptions nomades du corps [The Mongolian body: Nomadic techniques and concepts of the body]
Lacaze, Gaëlle
Book by Gaëlle Lacaze, concerning “techniques of the body” among nomadic pastoralists in Mongolia, Siberia, and Inner Mongolia. The book is accompanied by an online database of images.
subject: Techniques of the body, Life cycle, Visual anthropology

Boldbaatar, Yu.
The coaxing ritual for baby camels - 4 Coaxed mare-camel and orphan calf

Boldbaatar, Yu.
Livestock near a herder

Oktyabri, D.
Herder girl

Consent of Communities. UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, Nomination file No. 00548, “Coaxing ritual for camels” (Mongolia).

Oktyabri, D.
A woman milking a camel

Boldbaatar, Yu.
The coaxing ritual for baby camels-1

Boldbaatar, Yu.
Coaxed mare-camel and its accepted new calf (Khankhongor Sooum, Umnugobi Province)

Boldbaatar, Yu.
The mare-camel is accepting the orphan calf - 1 (Khankhongor Sooum, Umnugobi Province)

Boldbaatar, Yu.
Using the melody of Morin Khuur for coaxing the mare-camel and orphan calf -2 (Khankhongor)

Boldbaatar, Yu.
A woman milking a cow

Boldbaatar, Yu.
A female yak suckling a orpan

ITH-15-10.COM-10 EN
UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
Decision to inscribe the “camel coaxing ritual” on the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding.

Boldbaatar, Yu.
Herder boy

Boldbaatar, Yu.
Using the melody of Morin Khuur for coaxing the mare-camel and orphan calf -1 (Mandal Ovoo soum, Umnugovi Province)

Boldbaatar, Yu.
The mare-camel is accepting the orphan calf - 2 (Khankhongor Sooum, Umnugobi Province)

Nomination form. UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, Nomination file No. 00548, “Coaxing ritual for camels” (Mongolia).