Inner Asia coverage index

Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies
Bulag, Uradyn E
Short discussion note addressing the terminological category of “Mongolia and Inner Asia”.
subject: Inner Asia, terminology

MacArthur project research sites
Sneath, David
Map showing the location of research sites included in the Cambridge MacArthur project “Environmental & Cultural Conservation in Inner Asia”

Labour tasks
Sneath, David
List of tasks and activities involved in Inner Asian mobile pastoralism.
subject: research planning, mobile pastoralism, everyday life

MacArthur project research hypotheses
Sneath, David
subject: research planning

Report on the use of remotely sensed data in the analysis of contemporary pastoralism in Inner Asia
Sneath, David; Humphrey, Caroline
subject: GVI, remote sensing

Studies In Frontier History: Collected Papers, 1928-1958
Lattimore, Owen
Collection of essays on the history of Inner Asia as a “frontier” region, addressing the relationship between nomadic and sedentary peoples.
subject: Inner Asia

List of early Western explorers and travellers in Inner Asia
Thrift, Eric
Table listing principal Western explorers who investigated the society and culture of Inner Asia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
subject: expeditions, explorers

Expeditions of Sven Hedin
Map depicting the routes of Sven Hedin’s exploring expeditions, 1886-1935.
subject: expeditions, maps

Tracking degradation from space
Sneath, David
Satellite image (Landsat, October 1989) of the border between the Russian district of Chita and northeastern Mongolia.
subject: GIS, Inner Asia, rangeland ecology

Map of Inner Asia
Map showing the region taken as “Inner Asia”, prepared by the Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge.
subject: Inner Asia, maps

Map of Inner Asia (SRI)
Thrift, Eric
Map of Inner Asia, locating the extent of the area studied by the Sinor Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, located at Indiana University in the USA.
subject: Inner Asia, maps

Map of Inner Asia (MONDEA)
Thrift, Eric
This map shows the Mongolian areas of Inner Asia that are represented in the Mongolian Digital Ethnography Archive.
subject: Inner Asia, maps

Map of Inner Asia
Sneath, David
“Much of northern China, Mongolia, and southern Siberia is rolling grassland, used since ancient times for raising livestock.
subject: GIS, Inner Asia, rangeland ecology

Map of High Asia
Thrift, Eric
Map of “High Asia” (French “Haute Asie”, Russian “Tsentral’naia Aziia”).
subject: Inner Asia, maps

Map of Inner Asia (CIAS)
Thrift, Eric
Map of Inner Asia, locating the extent of the area studied by the CIAS at the University of Toronto.
subject: Inner Asia, maps

Witsen - map of Tartaria
Witsen, Nicolaes
Tartaria, sive magni Chami Imperium ex credendis amplissimi viri, Amsterdam 1705

Introduction: The concept of Inner Asia
Sinor, Denis
If the continents of Europe and Asia are conceptual entities, Eurasia - the combined land mass of the two - is a physiogeographical one.
subject: Inner Asia, cultural ecology, history

State Formation and Periodization in Inner Asian History
Di Cosmo, Nicola
subject: Inner Asia, history

Where is East Asia? Central Asian and Inner Asian Perspectives on Regionalism
Uradyn E Bulag
“Attempting to observe Central and Inner Asia from North America or Europe is like looking through a glass that is badly refracted, or even like trying to view the invisible.
subject: Inner Asia, Regionalism