Tibet coverage index

Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet, Vol. 1
Przhewalskii, Nikolai
Two-volume report of Colonel Przhewalskii’s expedition in Inner Asia, sponsored by the Geographical Society of Russia.
subject: expeditions, geography

Путешествия Г.Н. Потанина по Китаю, Тибету и Монголии [Travels of GN Potanin in China, Tibet, and Mongolia]
Potanin, GN
Grigory Potanin was a Russian ethnographer and natural historian, whose work concerned Mongolian and Uighur language and culture.
subject: expeditions

Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet, Vol. 2
Przhewalskii, Nikolai
subject: expeditions, geography