Inner Mongolia coverage index

Photograph from Inner Mongolia, No. 09
Sneath, David
View from the train window, Xilingol.
subject: steppe

Motorcycle at camel race
White, Thomas
Herder on motorcycle at a camel race. In the background is a new apartment complex being constructed, which will become home to pastoralists who have moved off the land.
subject: camels

Stone merchant
White, Thomas
A woman selling stones collected from the desert, laid out on a sheet and in boxes on the ground.
subject: camels

Camel transportation
White, Thomas
Camels being transported to a race in the back of a truck.
subject: camels

Inner Mongolia pasture fence
White, Thomas
Wire fencing to enclose household pasture.
subject: camels

Giant buil
White, Thomas
A giant buil – the wooden peg inserted through the nose of a camel and used for attaching reins or tethers – on display at the camel festival.
subject: camels

Sven Hedin’s expedition through the Gobi
Hedin, Sven
A silent documentary made in 1928 of Swedish explore Sven Hedin’s expedition through the Gobi desert of Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang.
subject: Gobi, ethnographic film, expeditions, explorers

Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China during the years 1844-5-6, Vol. 2
Huc, Evariste Régis
subject: expeditions

Map of Evariste Huc’s travels
Dufour, H
Map accompanying “Souvenirs d’un voyage dans la Tartarie, le Thibet et la Chine”, Evariste Huc, 1850
subject: expeditions, maps

Mongolian ethnicity and linguistic anxiety in China
Uradyn E Bulag
subject: Inner Asia, ethnicity, language revitalization

How should Inner Mongolia be developed?Inner Mongolia: the dialectics of colonization and ethnicity building
Uradyn E Bulag
The Chinese regime, which has granted unified autonomy to the Mongols, has also instituted various mechanisms to undermine the Mongols as a viable community.
subject: Inner Asia

Le corps mongol: Techniques et conceptions nomades du corps [The Mongolian body: Nomadic techniques and concepts of the body]
Lacaze, Gaëlle
Book by Gaëlle Lacaze, concerning “techniques of the body” among nomadic pastoralists in Mongolia, Siberia, and Inner Mongolia. The book is accompanied by an online database of images.
subject: Techniques of the body, Life cycle, Visual anthropology

L’orientation dans les techniques du corps chez les Mongols [Orientation refering to the techniques of the body]
Lacaze, Gaëlle
The Mongol yurt forms a circular area with the fireplace in the centre. Without wall, it opens on the outside through a door and a round skylight that a chimney goes across.
subject: techniques of the body, space, movement