PRC coverage index

Photograph of Handgate, Xinjiang by Tsui Yen Hu, 1993, No. 45
Tsui Yen Hu
Cattle sheds.
subject: pastoralism

Photograph of Handgate, Xinjiang by Tsui Yen Hu, 1993, No. 14
Tsui Yen Hu
Vegetable plots at Handgate
subject: Handgate centre

Photograph of Handgate, Xinjiang by Tsui Yen Hu, 1993, No. 40
Tsui Yen Hu
A freshwater spring at the spring pastures, with herders using the water.
subject: pastoralism

Photograph of Handgate, Xinjiang by Tsui Yen Hu, 1993, No. 02
Tsui Yen Hu
A scene at the Handgate centre
subject: Handgate centre

Photograph of Handgate, Xinjiang by Tsui Yen Hu, 1993, No. 41
Tsui Yen Hu
New born lambs and hay, at the spring pasture
subject: pastoralism

Photograph of Handgate, Xinjiang by Tsui Yen Hu, 1993, No. 20
Tsui Yen Hu
Showing Buddhist scriptures inside the temple. Photo of Mt. Kailash in background.
subject: Buddhism

Photograph of Handgate, Xinjiang by Tsui Yen Hu, 1993, No. 31
Tsui Yen Hu
Dr. Marsel showing his ‘secret book’ about Uriyanghai Mongolian mecilicine
subject: medicine

Photograph of Handgate, Xinjiang by Tsui Yen Hu, 1993, No. 12
Tsui Yen Hu
A scene at the centre of Handgate
subject: Handgate centre

Photograph of Handgate, Xinjiang by Tsui Yen Hu, 1993, No. 26
Tsui Yen Hu
Doctors and nurses of Handgate hospital
subject: medicine

Photograph of Handgate, Xinjiang by Tsui Yen Hu, 1993, No. 27
Tsui Yen Hu
Seeing a doctor, Handgate hospital, Altai
subject: medicine

Sven Hedin’s expedition through the Gobi
Hedin, Sven
A silent documentary made in 1928 of Swedish explore Sven Hedin’s expedition through the Gobi desert of Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang.
subject: Gobi, ethnographic film, expeditions, explorers

Путешествия Г.Н. Потанина по Китаю, Тибету и Монголии [Travels of GN Potanin in China, Tibet, and Mongolia]
Potanin, GN
Grigory Potanin was a Russian ethnographer and natural historian, whose work concerned Mongolian and Uighur language and culture.
subject: expeditions

Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China during the years 1844-5-6, Vol. 2
Huc, Evariste Régis
subject: expeditions

Across Mongolian plains; a naturalist's account of China's "great northwest"
Andrews, Roy Chapman
A popular narrative of the second Asiatic expedition of the American Museum of Natural History, 1918-1919.
subject: expeditions

Map of NK Roerich’s Central Asian expeditions
Roerich Museum
Map showing the expedition routes of NK Roerich, from the Roerich Museum.
subject: expeditions, maps

Map of Evariste Huc’s travels
Dufour, H
Map accompanying “Souvenirs d’un voyage dans la Tartarie, le Thibet et la Chine”, Evariste Huc, 1850
subject: expeditions, maps

Central Asia from Peking to Yarkand and Kashmir via the Mustagh Pass: Illustrating the journeys of Captain F. E. Younghusband, Kings Dragoon Guards
Murray, John
A map showing the route of Frank E Younghusband on his trip from Beijing to Kashmir.
subject: expeditions, maps

Map of the Gobi Desert
Cagé, Christophe
Map showing China, Mongolia, the Himalayas, and the Gobi region

A Map of Western Tartary Drawn from the Survey of the Jesuits and Mr. Kyrillow's Map of the Russian Empire
Kitchin, Thomas
A fascinating 1747 European mapping of the Gobi Desert and the eastern portion of the Silk Route region by Thomas Kitchin.
subject: Gobi, maps, silk route

Mongolian ethnicity and linguistic anxiety in China
Uradyn E Bulag
subject: Inner Asia, ethnicity, language revitalization

How should Inner Mongolia be developed?Inner Mongolia: the dialectics of colonization and ethnicity building
Uradyn E Bulag
The Chinese regime, which has granted unified autonomy to the Mongols, has also instituted various mechanisms to undermine the Mongols as a viable community.
subject: Inner Asia

Respect and Power without Resistance: Investigations of Interpersonal Relations among the Deed Mongols
Bum-Ochir, Dulam
Doctoral dissertation on Deed Mongols and respect for the State.
subject: Deed Mongols, anthropology of the state

Prostitution and the Transformation of the Chinese Trading Town of Ereen
Lacaze, Gaëlle
This chapter first examines the transformation of Ereen from 2007 to 2010.
subject: Prostitution, Border cities, Urbanization