Dornogovi-Khamar Monastery subject index

Annual festival at Khamar Monastery
Thrift, Eric
This series of recordings documents outdoor events at the annual festival held at Khamar Monastery on September 10.
subject: Pastoralism Videos, Naadam, Horse Racing, Dornogovi-Khamar Monastery

Building a well at Khamar Monastery
Thrift, Eric
This series of recordings documents a sequence of activities over two days, in which a well is being reconstructed.
subject: Pastoralism Videos, Building Well, Dornogovi-Khamar Monastery

Sending off and watering sheep at Khamar Monastery
Thrift, Eric
The recordings in this series depict Sodnomtsog letting his sheep out of the enclosure, then driving them to the well next to his father’s (Togtokh Lama’s) elm plantation.
subject: Pastoralism Videos, Watering Livestock, Sodnomtsog, Dornogovi-Khamar Monastery

Sodnomtsog injecting livestock
Thrift, Eric
This series of audiovisual recordings shows Sodnomtsog injecting his livestock with an anti-parasitical compound, outside his house at Khamar Monastery.
subject: Pastoralism Videos, Innoculating Livestock, Sodnomtsog, Dornogovi-Khamar Monastery

Planting trees with Tsolmon at Khamar Monastery
Thrift, Eric
This series of audiovisual recordings documents tree-planting with Tsolmon at his plantation at Khamar Monastery, just after dawn.
subject: Pastoralism Videos, Planting Trees, Tsolmon, Dornogovi-Khamar Monastery