belief subject index

Oral history interview No. 090759A with Ariunzaya (b. 1976): translation
Ariunzaya was born in 1976 at Bürentsogt mine, Sühbaatar aimag. When she was three years old, her parents were appointed to work at the GOK that had just been established.
subject: belief, childhood, family, illness, oral history, travel

Oral history interview No. 080810B with Sugir (b. 1963): translation
In this interview Sugirtai continues to elaborate on the topics of socialism and democracy.

Oral history interview No. 090759B with Ariunzaya (b. 1976): translation
Ariunzaya egch told how she established a congregation [tsuglaan] in Dornod aimag. Her uncle lived in Dornod, which is why she went there by car in 1996.
subject: belief, family, funerals, illness, oral history, travel

Oral history interview No. 090744A with Osor (b. 1955): translation
A former cooperative horse herder. Now he is a race horse trainer, herder.
subject: airag, authority, belief, collectivization, drinking, gambling, oral history, privatization, repressions