gender subject index

Oral history interview No. 090744B with Osor (b. 1955): translation
In the second part of his interview, Osor talked extensively about horses. He never imagined himself learning and becoming educated. He always thought of busying himself with horses.
subject: gender, horse races, oral history, wedding

Owen Lattimore interviewed by Caroline Humphrey, 21st May 1983 – Part 1
Lattimore, Owen
Owen Lattimore describes Mongolia of the early 20th century and the aftermath of revolutions in that period.
subject: pastoral life, labour relations, gender, social stratification, Russians in Mongolia, Kazakhs in Mongolia

Herders of the Mongun Taiga
Humphrey, Caroline; Sheppard, John
Ethnographic film about Tuvan herders and perestroika. The Tuvinians live deep inside the Soviet Union, at the very centre of Asia. Tuva is geographically closer to Beijing than to Moscow.
subject: gender, pastoralism, shamanism, socialism