livestock subject index

2230746. Valeriy Bolaev, Ulyumdzhi Mandzhiev, About Camels
Valeriy says that there are only 5,000 camels left that can be described as of Kalmyk breed. The majority of them are in Astrakhan oblast’.

2252323. Polina Fedorova, About Camel Meat
In the past, the Kalmyks ate beef and horse meat. The poor ate camel meat. People who ate camel meat had pimples on their faces. The camel’s pelt and humps were used to make vessels.

1950301. Alena Lidzhieva, How to Make Female Camels Accept Their Newborn
A female camel is pregnant for 11 months. Sometimes female camels reject their calves.

2253415. Polina Fedorova, How to Make Female Camels Accept Their Newborn
Sometimes female camels reject their calves. Female camels are jealous and squeamish animals. If a child touched a calf, its mother could reject it.

Caroline Humphrey Mongolia Super8 film no. 1
Humphrey, Caroline
Wide shot of goats; sheep herding