military subject index

Oral history interview No. 080820A with Doljinsüren: (b. 1943): translation
Born in 1943 in Galt sum of Hövsgöl aimag.
subject: childhood, education, family, military, oral history, privatization, work

Oral history interview No. 081218B with Davaasambuu (b. 1958): translation
Oral history interview with Ööldöh Davaasambuu
subject: authority, military, new technologies, oral history, prison, work

Oral history interview No. 090745B with Garamhand (b. 1934): translation
In the second part of her interview J. Garamhand told about the people who worked at the trade organizations. In the socialist period they occasionally had the problem of being in debt.
subject: Khatanbaatar Magsarjav, keepsakes, military, oral history, railway, trade, work

Oral history interview No. 081218A with Davaasambuu (b. 1958): translation
Oral history interview with Ööldöh Davaasambuu
subject: democracy, military, oral history, prison, privatization, sports