milking subject index

Photographs from Barguzin, No. 09
Gomboev, Bair
Summer camp, milking, Argada selsoviet.
subject: milking, pastoral camps

Khangai Herds 3- Saikhanaa and the Horses
Fijn, Natasha
This is the third installment of Khangai Herds, featuring herders and herd animals in the Khangai Mountains of Mongolia. This segment follows on from ‘Saikhanaa and the Calves’.
subject: Living with Herds, airag, co-domestic, domestication, horses, human-animal, khangai herds, mare milking, milking, mountains, observational film, pastoralisms, visual

Khangai Herds 2- Saikhanaa and the Calves
Fijn, Natasha
This second segment of Khangai Herds features Saikhanaa the herder interacting with yak calves during milking time in the Khangai mountains of Mongolia.
subject: Khangai Herds, Living with Herds, calves, co-domestic, ethnography, human-animal, milking, observational film, pastoralism, visual , yaks

Caroline Humphrey Mongolia Super8 film no. 16
Humphrey, Caroline
Milking mares; view of the herders’ camp; herder bringing milk into the ger.
subject: milking, pastoral camps

Caroline Humphrey Mongolia Super8 film no. 4
Humphrey, Caroline
Herding, camp, milking