mobility patterns subject index

Country research paper: Pastoral movement patterns of Mongolian herders and their socio-economic aspects
Erdenebaatar, B
Report on ethnographic fieldwork and a study of historical documents concerning mobility patterns among herders in Mongolia.
subject: mobility patterns, reports

Map of household mobility in Uvs
Erdenebaatar, B
Taken from Erdenebaatar’s report on mobility patterns (Appendix 9b). This map contrasts the different mobility strategies of post-collective households
subject: mobility patterns, maps

Map of “traditional” mobility patterns in Dashbalbar
Batbuyan, B
This map depicts the “traditional” mobility patterns (1936-1959) described by research collaborators in Dashbalbar.
subject: mobility patterns, maps

Map of contemporary mobility patterns in Dashbalbar
Batbuyan, B
This map depicts the contemporary mobility patterns described by research collaborators in Dashbalbar.
subject: mobility patterns, maps

Map of movements among participant households in Uvs
Erdenebaatar, B
Taken from Erdenebaatar’s report on mobility patterns (Appendix 9a). This map contrasts collective-era and post-collective mobility patterns among households who participated in ethnographic research.
subject: mobility patterns, maps