ovoo subject index

Photographs from Barguzin, No. 12
Gomboev, Bair
Sacread trees of the oboo, near the health resort “Arshan”, at Bayangol, Barguzin.
subject: ovoo, sacred springs, sacred trees

Notes on mountain worship practices in Hoboksair
Tseren, BP
subject: ovoo, mountain worship

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 30
Sneath, David
subject: ovoo

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 04
Sneath, David
subject: Buddhist monk, ovoo

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 29
Sneath, David
subject: ovoo

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 23
Sneath, David
subject: offerings (ideenii tavag), ovoo

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 11
Sneath, David
subject: ovoo

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 21
Sneath, David
subject: ovoo

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 12
Sneath, David
subject: ovoo

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 22
Sneath, David
subject: Buddhist monk, offerings (ideenii tavag), ovoo