research participants subject index

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 27
Batbuyan B.
Bazargur’s camels on the way from the sum centre to the spring pasture. HH No. 10 (“rich herder”).
subject: camels, research participants, transportation

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 48
Batbuyan B.
Household No. 7, wife of D. Baatar, Tsedev, with her children. Dashbalbar sum centre.
subject: research participants

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 50
Batbuyan B.
Purevdorj, the “Knowledgeable Old Person” of Batbuyan’s questionnaire.
subject: research participants

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 49
Batbuyan B.
Household No. 7, Baatar’s children.
subject: research participants

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 32
Sneath, David
subject: pastoralism, research participants, yurt

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 09
Sneath, David
subject: anthropologists in the field, research participants

Photograph of Handgate, Xinjiang by Tsui Yen Hu, 1993, No. 51
Tsui Yen Hu
HH 7, a ‘worker’ household, Handgate
subject: research participants

Photograph of Handgate, Xinjiang by Tsui Yen Hu, 1993, No. 49
Tsui Yen Hu
HH 14. Herder, at his shed.
subject: research participants

Photograph of Handgate, Xinjiang by Tsui Yen Hu, 1993, No. 50
Tsui Yen Hu
Head of HH 8, a craftsman.
subject: research participants