Image type index

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-21
Humphrey, Caroline
Farm machinery.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 3-04
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-07
Humphrey, Caroline
Overall view of the flood plain, Bayangol.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-01
Humphrey, Caroline
Looking West.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 4-05
Humphrey, Caroline
Wedding preparations – making salads.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-31
Humphrey, Caroline
Firewood and hay inside a household yard in the town centre.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-11
Humphrey, Caroline
Shearing sheep with electric shears.

Living with Herds: Human-animal coexistence in Mongolia
Fijn, Natasha
From the publisher: Domestic animals have lived with humans for thousands of years and remain essential to the everyday lives of people throughout the world.

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 30
Sneath, David
subject: ovoo

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 18
Sneath, David
subject: camels, pastoralism, transportation

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 04
Sneath, David
subject: Buddhist monk, ovoo

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 29
Sneath, David
subject: ovoo

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 15
Sneath, David
subject: anthropologists in the field

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 25
Sneath, David
subject: branding foals, horse brand, pastoralism

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 03
Sneath, David
subject: livestock enclosures, morning activities, pastoral camps

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 16
Sneath, David
subject: settlements

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 23
Sneath, David
subject: offerings (ideenii tavag), ovoo

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 08
Sneath, David
subject: clipping horse mane, horses

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 11
Sneath, David
subject: ovoo

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 14
Sneath, David
subject: branding foals

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 07
Sneath, David
subject: anthropologists in the field, horses, pastoralism

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 06
Sneath, David
subject: horses, pastoralism

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 19
Sneath, David
subject: camels, hay, livestock shelters, pastoral camps, pastoralism

Photograph from Govisumber, No. 21
Sneath, David
subject: ovoo