Moving Image type index

Caroline Humphrey Mongolia Super8 film no. 17
Humphrey, Caroline
Tsetserleg (Arkhangai aimag). View of the monument and road into town; boy herding cattle; the river; yaks; old man on horse; ovoo.
subject: aimag centres

Caroline Humphrey Mongolia Super8 film no. 22
Humphrey, Caroline
Officials drinking airag; exterior of the herder camp; ox carts; horses; milking mares.
subject: airag, pastoral camps

Caroline Humphrey Mongolia Super8 film no. 12
Humphrey, Caroline
Wrestling competition, Naadam Festival (Ulaanbaatar)

Caroline Humphrey Mongolia Super8 film no. 18
Humphrey, Caroline
Erdene-Zuu (good)
subject: monasteries

Caroline Humphrey Mongolia Super8 film no. 5
Humphrey, Caroline
Tsetserleg (Arkhangai aimag)
subject: aimag centres

Herders of the Mongun Taiga
Humphrey, Caroline; Sheppard, John
Ethnographic film about Tuvan herders and perestroika. The Tuvinians live deep inside the Soviet Union, at the very centre of Asia. Tuva is geographically closer to Beijing than to Moscow.
subject: gender, pastoralism, shamanism, socialism

TV commercial for TESO Corporation
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Tsenher Suu 3,2%
TV commercial for “blue” full-fat milk
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Г Баянхүү гуайн сүүний ферм
Khaan Suu LLC
Promotional video for Khaan Suu LLC, featuring the dairy farm run by G. Bayankhüü. Source description: Сэлэнгэ аймгийн анхны хамгийн том ферм юм байна. [This is the largest farm in Selenge aimag.]
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Suu yogurt
SUU JSC youghurt TV commercial
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Amore musun zairmag
Amore frozen yoghurt TV commercial. Source description: Зайрмагны төрөлд шинэ амт нэмлээ. Итали иогуртан зайрмаг АMORE. [A new flavour in ice cream. AMORE Italian frozen yoghurt.]
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Тараган ундаа - Taragan undaa
TV commercial for drinkable yoghurt. Source description: Эрүүл зөв амьдралыг дэмжигч - ҮНДЭСНИЙ УНДАА ТАРАГАН УНДАА [Promoter of a good, healthy lifestyle–THE NATIONAL DRINK, YOGHURT DRINK].
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Алоетой Хаан тараг
Khaan Suu LLC
TV commercial for Khaan youghurt with aloe.
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Тэсо ХХК - Милко - Тослог сүү 2
TV commercial for Teso high-fat milk
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Тэсо ХХК - Милко - Тослог сүү 3
TV commercial for Teso high-fat milk
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Кукунай Сэлэнгэ аймгийн Цагааннуур сумын фермерч
Khaan Suu LLC
Promotional video profiling a dairy farmer in Tsagaannuur sum, Selenge aimag.

Batshireetiin uildwer
Promotional video introducing the new SUU JSC dairy production facility in Batshireet sum, Khentii aimag
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Enjoy Cool
SUU JSC TV commercial
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Mongol uneenii suu
SUU JSC TV commercial. Source description: Бид малчдаас сүүгээ авдаг [We get our milk from herders].
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Цөцгийтэй аарцтай - Хаан зайрмаг
Khaan Suu LLC
TV commercial for Khaan ice cream with real cream and fermented curds.
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

APU Tsever suu reklama
APU Pure Milk TV commercial
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Undesnii undaa Taragan undaa
TV commercial for drinkable yoghurt. Source description: Үндэсний ундаа Тараган ундаа [National beverage - yoghurt beverage].
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Тэсо ХХК - Милко - Тослог сүү
TV commercial for Teso high-fat milk
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials

Цөцгийн тос ба Маргарин - tsutsgiin tos ba margarin
Promotional/educational video explaining the difference between butter and margarine. Source description: Цөцгийн тос ба маргарины ялгаа.
subject: Mongolia, Dairy Production, Milk Marketing, Television Commercials