Text type index

List of early Western explorers and travellers in Inner Asia
Thrift, Eric
Table listing principal Western explorers who investigated the society and culture of Inner Asia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
subject: expeditions, explorers

Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet, Vol. 1
Przhewalskii, Nikolai
Two-volume report of Colonel Przhewalskii’s expedition in Inner Asia, sponsored by the Geographical Society of Russia.
subject: expeditions, geography

Путешествия Г.Н. Потанина по Китаю, Тибету и Монголии [Travels of GN Potanin in China, Tibet, and Mongolia]
Potanin, GN
Grigory Potanin was a Russian ethnographer and natural historian, whose work concerned Mongolian and Uighur language and culture.
subject: expeditions

Through Asia, Vol. 2
Hedin, Sven
[From the preface] This work does not claim to be anything more than a plain account of my journeys through Asia during the years 1893 to 1897.
subject: expeditions

Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China during the years 1844-5-6, Vol. 2
Huc, Evariste Régis
subject: expeditions

Aus Sibiren [From Siberia]
Radloff, Wilhelm
This book proposes a theory of cultural evolution, involving a passage from hunting to pastoralism and finally to agriculture. Radloff argues that Siberian culture was shaped by shamanism.
subject: cultural evolution

Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet, Vol. 2
Przhewalskii, Nikolai
subject: expeditions, geography

Through Asia, Vol. 1
Hedin, Sven
[From the preface] This work does not claim to be anything more than a plain account of my journeys through Asia during the years 1893 to 1897.
subject: expeditions

A Journey Across Central Asia, from Manchuria and Peking to Kashmir, over the Mustagh Pass
Younghusband, Francis
Lieutenant Colonel Sir Francis Edward Younghusband (1863–1942) was an explorer and military officer.
subject: expeditions, geography

Across Mongolian plains; a naturalist's account of China's "great northwest"
Andrews, Roy Chapman
A popular narrative of the second Asiatic expedition of the American Museum of Natural History, 1918-1919.
subject: expeditions

James Gilmour of Mongolia : his diaries, letters and reports
Gilmour, James
James Gilmour was a Scottish Protestant missionary who served with the London Missionary Society in Mongolia and China, from 1870 until his death in 1891.
subject: diaries

Introduction: The concept of Inner Asia
Sinor, Denis
If the continents of Europe and Asia are conceptual entities, Eurasia - the combined land mass of the two - is a physiogeographical one.
subject: Inner Asia, cultural ecology, history

State Formation and Periodization in Inner Asian History
Di Cosmo, Nicola
subject: Inner Asia, history

Mongolian ethnicity and linguistic anxiety in China
Uradyn E Bulag
subject: Inner Asia, ethnicity, language revitalization

How should Inner Mongolia be developed?Inner Mongolia: the dialectics of colonization and ethnicity building
Uradyn E Bulag
The Chinese regime, which has granted unified autonomy to the Mongols, has also instituted various mechanisms to undermine the Mongols as a viable community.
subject: Inner Asia

Where is East Asia? Central Asian and Inner Asian Perspectives on Regionalism
Uradyn E Bulag
“Attempting to observe Central and Inner Asia from North America or Europe is like looking through a glass that is badly refracted, or even like trying to view the invisible.
subject: Inner Asia, Regionalism

Frontier encounters: Knowledge and practice at the Russian, Chinese and Mongolian border
Billé, Franck; Delaplace, Grégory; Humphrey, Caroline
(From the publisher) China and Russia are rising economic and political powers that share thousands of miles of border.

Respect and Power without Resistance: Investigations of Interpersonal Relations among the Deed Mongols
Bum-Ochir, Dulam
Doctoral dissertation on Deed Mongols and respect for the State.
subject: Deed Mongols, anthropology of the state

Website of the Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit
subject: MIASU

Humphrey, Caroline; Sheppard, John
This is the full transcript for the film “Herders of the Mongun Taiga”.

Disappearing World: a guide for anthropologists
Wason, David
Guidelines for anthropologists participating in the Granada Television series “Disappearing Worlds”
subject: ethnographic film