Text type index

Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies
Bulag, Uradyn E
Short discussion note addressing the terminological category of “Mongolia and Inner Asia”.
subject: Inner Asia, terminology

English machine translation of Uradyn Bulag’s 2016 interview
Bulag, Uradyn E
Machine translated version of an interview with Uradyn E. Bulag on nationalism in China.
subject: ethnicity, nationalism

Professor Bulag's Mongolian study: my "nation", your "problem"
Bulag, Uradyn E
Interview with Uradyn Bulag by two Chinese students, on the topic of nationalism and Mongols in China.
subject: ethnicity, nationalism

A Mongolian search for anthropology (interview with Uradyn Bulag)
Bulag, Uradyn E
Interview with Uradyn Bulag about his childhood and career in anthropology.
subject: autobiography, ethnicity, nationalism

English machine translation of Uradyn Bulag’s 2010 interview
Bulag, Uradyn E
Machine translated text (lightly edited) of an interview with Uradyn E. Bulag on his childhood and career in anthropology.
subject: autobiography, ethnicity, nationalism

Монголын угсаатны зүйн үндэс [Foundations of Mongolian ethnography]
Bulag, Uradyn E
Essay on the origins of Mongolian ethnography
subject: Mongolian ethnography, indigenous anthropology

Introduction to Field Reports in Mongolian Ethnology (1960-1971)
Bulag, Uradyn E
Survey of the origins and development of Mongolian anthropology.
subject: Mongolian ethnography, indigenous anthropology

Extract from “ Mongolian music, dance & oral narrative”
Pegg, Carole
Extract from the book “Mongolian music, dance & oral narrative: performing diverse identities”, concerning khöömii (vocalizations), song, instrumental music, and the placating of animals.
subject: ethnomusicology, khöömii, communication with livestock

Labour tasks
Sneath, David
List of tasks and activities involved in Inner Asian mobile pastoralism.
subject: research planning, mobile pastoralism, everyday life

MacArthur project staff
Sneath, David
List of staff/team members of the Cambridge MacArthur project “Environmental & Cultural Conservation in Inner Asia”
subject: research planning

Field guide for Operation Raleigh researchers
Document providing instructions to fieldworkers (“venturers”) collaborating with the University of Cambridge through the Operation Raleigh Buryatia Expedition, 1993.
subject: research planning

Idealist database input flowchart
Chopping, Mark
Flowchart outlining the steps for preparing and inputting data from ethnographic interviews.
subject: data entry

Letter by Caroline Humphrey, 1992-05-22
Humphrey, Caroline

MacArthur project research hypotheses
Sneath, David
subject: research planning

Report on the use of remotely sensed data in the analysis of contemporary pastoralism in Inner Asia
Sneath, David; Humphrey, Caroline
subject: GVI, remote sensing

Country research paper: Pastoral movement patterns of Mongolian herders and their socio-economic aspects
Erdenebaatar, B
Report on ethnographic fieldwork and a study of historical documents concerning mobility patterns among herders in Mongolia.
subject: mobility patterns, reports

Completed ethnographic interview questionnaire from the Cambridge MacArthur project on a “rich herder” (redacted)
This is one of the field research questionnaires sent out with ethnographers working on the Cambridge ECCIA project, and reports information about a wealthier herder in one of the field sites.
subject: ethnographic interviews, questionnaires

Sample handwritten notes from ethnographic interview (English)
Telengid, B
subject: ethnographic interviews, fieldnotes