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Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 15
Humphrey, Caroline
Lenin in front of the school.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 23
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 01
Humphrey, Caroline
Ulung flour mill

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 08
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 20
Humphrey, Caroline
Cattle overwintering shed (also used for winter milking).

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 19
Humphrey, Caroline
Coal power station.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 14
Humphrey, Caroline
School gymnasium.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 13
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 03
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 21
Humphrey, Caroline
Inside the cattle wintering shed (milking cows only).

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 05
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 06
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 09
Humphrey, Caroline
Open sluice gate for flour mill.

Kinship terminology of the Barguzin Buryats, 1967
Humphrey, Caroline
Consanguineal kin

The collective farms after Socialism
Humphrey, Caroline
Extract from “Karl Marx Collective”.

Caroline Humphrey interview part 2
Humphrey, Caroline
Caroline Humphrey interviewed by Alan Macfarlane on 5th August 2010

Table: Gifts at a kolkhoz wedding, 1967
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey interview part 1
Humphrey, Caroline
Caroline Humphrey interviewed by Alan Macfarlane on 5th August 2010

“Marx Went Away” book cover
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey interview transcript
Humphrey, Caroline
Caroline Humphrey interviewed by Alan Macfarlane on 5th August 2010

Kinship terminology of the Barguzin Buryats, 1967
Humphrey, Caroline
Affinal kin

2253415. Polina Fedorova, How to Make Female Camels Accept Their Newborn
Sometimes female camels reject their calves. Female camels are jealous and squeamish animals. If a child touched a calf, its mother could reject it.

1950301. Alena Lidzhieva, How to Make Female Camels Accept Their Newborn
A female camel is pregnant for 11 months. Sometimes female camels reject their calves.