USSR coverage index

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-15
Humphrey, Caroline
View of the town centre.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-17
Humphrey, Caroline
Cattle grazing; laundry set out to dry.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-24
Humphrey, Caroline
Car, motorcycle with sidecar, and horse.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 4-04
Humphrey, Caroline
Wedding preparations – the tables for guests.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-30
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-02
Humphrey, Caroline
Looking East.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 4-14
Humphrey, Caroline
View of the street.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 4-08
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-21
Humphrey, Caroline
Farm machinery.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-07
Humphrey, Caroline
Overall view of the flood plain, Bayangol.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-01
Humphrey, Caroline
Looking West.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 4-05
Humphrey, Caroline
Wedding preparations – making salads.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-31
Humphrey, Caroline
Firewood and hay inside a household yard in the town centre.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 2-11
Humphrey, Caroline
Shearing sheep with electric shears.

Herders of the Mongun Taiga
Humphrey, Caroline; Sheppard, John
Ethnographic film about Tuvan herders and perestroika. The Tuvinians live deep inside the Soviet Union, at the very centre of Asia. Tuva is geographically closer to Beijing than to Moscow.
subject: gender, pastoralism, shamanism, socialism

Humphrey, Caroline; Sheppard, John
This is the full transcript for the film “Herders of the Mongun Taiga”.

Image published in “Perestroika and the Pastoralists”
Humphrey, Caroline
Herdsmen at a brigade meeting to confirm winter pastures.

Image published in “Perestroika and the Pastoralists”
Humphrey, Caroline
The perestroika monument in Kyzyl, capital of Tuva ASSR.

Tuvinian Lama-shamans: Some stories from Mongun-Taiga
Humphrey, Caroline; Mongush, Marina
English translation of a story told by Bair Surunovich Irgit (b. 1918), included in part in the film “Herders of Mongun Taiga”, concerning lama-shamans.
subject: Buddhism, divination, shamanism, stories

Perestroika and the pastoralists: The example of Mongun-Taiga in Tuva ASSR
Humphrey, Caroline
An anthropology article discussing Caroline Humphrey’s observations from a visit to Tuva, conducted during the course of production for the film “Herders of the Mongun Taiga”.
subject: Tuva, USSR, pastoralism, socialism