Environmental and Cultural Conservation in Inner Asia collection
Inner Asia
Handwritten and typed notes, planning documents, etc. submitted by researchers affiliated with the Cambridge MacArthur project “Environmental and Cultural Conservation in Inner Asia”. This multinational project, directed by Caroline Humphrey (Principal Investigator) and coordinated by David Sneath, studied the correlation of cultural and environmental change across several sites in Mongolia, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Tuva, and Buryatia.

Sneath, David
subject: maps

Sample handwritten notes from ethnographic interview (English)
Telengid, B
subject: ethnographic interviews, fieldnotes

Country research paper: Pastoral movement patterns of Mongolian herders and their socio-economic aspects
Erdenebaatar, B
Report on ethnographic fieldwork and a study of historical documents concerning mobility patterns among herders in Mongolia.
subject: mobility patterns, reports

Map of “traditional” mobility patterns in Dashbalbar
Batbuyan, B
This map depicts the “traditional” mobility patterns (1936-1959) described by research collaborators in Dashbalbar.
subject: mobility patterns, maps

Map of contemporary mobility patterns in Dashbalbar
Batbuyan, B
This map depicts the contemporary mobility patterns described by research collaborators in Dashbalbar.
subject: mobility patterns, maps

Map of movements among participant households in Uvs
Erdenebaatar, B
Taken from Erdenebaatar’s report on mobility patterns (Appendix 9a). This map contrasts collective-era and post-collective mobility patterns among households who participated in ethnographic research.
subject: mobility patterns, maps

Map of household mobility in Uvs
Erdenebaatar, B
Taken from Erdenebaatar’s report on mobility patterns (Appendix 9b). This map contrasts the different mobility strategies of post-collective households
subject: mobility patterns, maps

Completed ethnographic interview questionnaire from the Cambridge MacArthur project on a “rich herder” (redacted)
This is one of the field research questionnaires sent out with ethnographers working on the Cambridge ECCIA project, and reports information about a wealthier herder in one of the field sites.
subject: ethnographic interviews, questionnaires

Participant observation fieldnotes by B. Telengid
Telengid, B
subject: participant observation, fieldnotes

Report on the use of remotely sensed data in the analysis of contemporary pastoralism in Inner Asia
Sneath, David; Humphrey, Caroline
subject: GVI, remote sensing

Notes on mountain worship practices in Hoboksair
Tseren, BP
subject: ovoo, mountain worship

Letter by Caroline Humphrey, 1992-05-22
Humphrey, Caroline

Idealist database input flowchart
Chopping, Mark
Flowchart outlining the steps for preparing and inputting data from ethnographic interviews.
subject: data entry

Labour tasks
Sneath, David
List of tasks and activities involved in Inner Asian mobile pastoralism.
subject: research planning, mobile pastoralism, everyday life

MacArthur project research hypotheses
Sneath, David
subject: research planning

MacArthur project staff
Sneath, David
List of staff/team members of the Cambridge MacArthur project “Environmental & Cultural Conservation in Inner Asia”
subject: research planning

MacArthur project research sites
Sneath, David
Map showing the location of research sites included in the Cambridge MacArthur project “Environmental & Cultural Conservation in Inner Asia”

Stratified sampling plan
Sneath, David
subject: research planning, sampling

Field guide for Operation Raleigh researchers
Document providing instructions to fieldworkers (“venturers”) collaborating with the University of Cambridge through the Operation Raleigh Buryatia Expedition, 1993.
subject: research planning