Shopts of a khorshoo (cooperative) and company, Dashbalbar sum centre.
subject: commerce, settlements
Ovoo worship in Dashbalbar.
subject: ovoo
One of the many wells in Dashbalbar sum centre.
subject: settlements, water use, wells
Disused stone enclosure, formerly used during the collectivized period.
subject: livestock enclosures, pastoral camps
Stores of firewood and fodder
subject: fodder, fuel
Summer pastures, close to the road at Bayangol selsoviet, Barguzin.
subject: rangeland
Arable farm centre in Argada selsoviet “Polevoi stan”; in background, the central village of Argada.
subject: settlements
Barguzin Valley, pastures and fields near the forested mountains (“utug” hayfields near river).
subject: hay, rangeland
General view of Argada village; poor pastures close to the village.
subject: pastoral camps, rangeland
Summer camp, Argada, in West part of district. The post productive pastures of the district.
Summer pastures, with irrigation that are no longer operational. Bayangol selsoviet, Barguzin Valley.
subject: irrigation, rangeland
Sacread trees of the oboo, near the health resort “Arshan”, at Bayangol, Barguzin.
subject: ovoo, sacred springs, sacred trees
Summer pastures, Barguzin valley, close to the main road in the West part of the valley.
Argada village, Buryatia. Local middle school. Young man from Raleigh International with teachers.
subject: Raleigh International, schools
Summer pastures, close to Bayangol village, in poor condition.
Summer pastures of Argada selsoviet, South region. Very poor, sandy pastures.
The health resort “Arshan” (i.e., sacred spring), near Bayangol, Barguzin.
subject: health resorts, sacred springs
Argada village, summer pastures, medium productivity.
Argada village – local middle school
subject: schools
Summer camp, milking, Argada selsoviet.
subject: milking, pastoral camps