English language index

Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies
Bulag, Uradyn E
Short discussion note addressing the terminological category of “Mongolia and Inner Asia”.
subject: Inner Asia, terminology

Introduction to Field Reports in Mongolian Ethnology (1960-1971)
Bulag, Uradyn E
Survey of the origins and development of Mongolian anthropology.
subject: Mongolian ethnography, indigenous anthropology

Carole Pegg interviewed by Carolyn Landau. (2 of 3).
Pegg, Carole
Track 2 [5 mins, 26 secs] [Session one, continued: 9 July 2010] Describes background to her editorship of the New Grove dictionary.
subject: ethnomusicology

Cover of the book *Mongolian Music, Dance, & Oral Narrative: Performing Diverse Identities*
Pegg, Carole
Book cover
subject: books, ethnomusicology

Carole Pegg interviewed by Carolyn Landau. (1 of 3).
Pegg, Carole
Track 1 [1 hr, 27 mins, 43 secs] [Session one: 9 July 2010] Carole Ann Pegg [CP], born Nottingham, September 1944. Summarises working class family background and recalls early musical experiences.
subject: ethnomusicology

Carole Pegg interviewed by Carolyn Landau. (3 of 3)
Pegg, Carole
Track 3 [9 mins, 20 secs] [Session one, continued: 9 July 2010] Describes relationship with Laurence Picken and the effect he had on her work.
subject: ethnomusicology

Extract from “ Mongolian music, dance & oral narrative”
Pegg, Carole
Extract from the book “Mongolian music, dance & oral narrative: performing diverse identities”, concerning khöömii (vocalizations), song, instrumental music, and the placating of animals.
subject: ethnomusicology, khöömii, communication with livestock

Labour tasks
Sneath, David
List of tasks and activities involved in Inner Asian mobile pastoralism.
subject: research planning, mobile pastoralism, everyday life

MacArthur project staff
Sneath, David
List of staff/team members of the Cambridge MacArthur project “Environmental & Cultural Conservation in Inner Asia”
subject: research planning

Stratified sampling plan
Sneath, David
subject: research planning, sampling

Field guide for Operation Raleigh researchers
Document providing instructions to fieldworkers (“venturers”) collaborating with the University of Cambridge through the Operation Raleigh Buryatia Expedition, 1993.
subject: research planning

Idealist database input flowchart
Chopping, Mark
Flowchart outlining the steps for preparing and inputting data from ethnographic interviews.
subject: data entry

MacArthur project research hypotheses
Sneath, David
subject: research planning

Report on the use of remotely sensed data in the analysis of contemporary pastoralism in Inner Asia
Sneath, David; Humphrey, Caroline
subject: GVI, remote sensing

Country research paper: Pastoral movement patterns of Mongolian herders and their socio-economic aspects
Erdenebaatar, B
Report on ethnographic fieldwork and a study of historical documents concerning mobility patterns among herders in Mongolia.
subject: mobility patterns, reports

Completed ethnographic interview questionnaire from the Cambridge MacArthur project on a “rich herder” (redacted)
This is one of the field research questionnaires sent out with ethnographers working on the Cambridge ECCIA project, and reports information about a wealthier herder in one of the field sites.
subject: ethnographic interviews, questionnaires

Sample handwritten notes from ethnographic interview (English)
Telengid, B
subject: ethnographic interviews, fieldnotes

Notes on mountain worship practices in Hoboksair
Tseren, BP
subject: ovoo, mountain worship

Participant observation fieldnotes by B. Telengid
Telengid, B
subject: participant observation, fieldnotes

Kinship terminology of the Barguzin Buryats, 1967
Humphrey, Caroline
Affinal kin

The collective farms after Socialism
Humphrey, Caroline
Extract from “Karl Marx Collective”.

Kinship terminology of the Barguzin Buryats, 1967
Humphrey, Caroline
Consanguineal kin