Image type index

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 36
Batbuyan B.
Shopts of a khorshoo (cooperative) and company, Dashbalbar sum centre.
subject: commerce, settlements

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 27
Batbuyan B.
Bazargur’s camels on the way from the sum centre to the spring pasture. HH No. 10 (“rich herder”).
subject: camels, research participants, transportation

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 45
Batbuyan B.
Dashbalbar sum centre, fencing made of thin wood poles
subject: settlements

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 40
Batbuyan B.
Sebsuul region, Dashbalbar

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 47
Batbuyan B.
Children pushing water carts, Dashbalbar sum centre.
subject: settlements, water use

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 48
Batbuyan B.
Household No. 7, wife of D. Baatar, Tsedev, with her children. Dashbalbar sum centre.
subject: research participants

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 44
Batbuyan B.
Dustbins for rubbish, Dashbalbar sum centre.
subject: garbage, settlements

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 37
Batbuyan B.
Cattle at a fence and enclosure made of dung.
subject: livestock enclosures, pastoral camps

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 35
Batbuyan B.
State shop, Dashbalbar sum
subject: commerce, settlements

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 28
Batbuyan B.
Every two weeks the coach-bus arrived, this being the main link between the sum centre and the aimag centre. But in July 1993 the service stopped.
subject: transportation

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 29
Batbuyan B.
The main post office in Dashbalbar sum centre
subject: post office, settlements

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 50
Batbuyan B.
Purevdorj, the “Knowledgeable Old Person” of Batbuyan’s questionnaire.
subject: research participants

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 46
Batbuyan B.
In a back yard (khashaa) in Dashbalbar sum centre.
subject: settlements, town residences

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 38
Batbuyan B.
Cattle at a fence and enclosure made of dung.
subject: livestock enclosures, pastoral camps