Image type index

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 49
Batbuyan B.
Household No. 7, Baatar’s children.
subject: research participants

Photographs of Dashbalbar sum, No. 34
Batbuyan B.
Watchman at Dashbalbar sum kindergarten
subject: schools

cover image for Losing Ground
Rappa, Bradley
Cover image for the film “Losing Ground”

Cover of the book *Mongolian Music, Dance, & Oral Narrative: Performing Diverse Identities*
Pegg, Carole
Book cover
subject: books, ethnomusicology

MacArthur project research sites
Sneath, David
Map showing the location of research sites included in the Cambridge MacArthur project “Environmental & Cultural Conservation in Inner Asia”

Stratified sampling plan
Sneath, David
subject: research planning, sampling

Map of household mobility in Uvs
Erdenebaatar, B
Taken from Erdenebaatar’s report on mobility patterns (Appendix 9b). This map contrasts the different mobility strategies of post-collective households
subject: mobility patterns, maps

Map of “traditional” mobility patterns in Dashbalbar
Batbuyan, B
This map depicts the “traditional” mobility patterns (1936-1959) described by research collaborators in Dashbalbar.
subject: mobility patterns, maps

Sneath, David
subject: maps

Map of contemporary mobility patterns in Dashbalbar
Batbuyan, B
This map depicts the contemporary mobility patterns described by research collaborators in Dashbalbar.
subject: mobility patterns, maps

Map of movements among participant households in Uvs
Erdenebaatar, B
Taken from Erdenebaatar’s report on mobility patterns (Appendix 9a). This map contrasts collective-era and post-collective mobility patterns among households who participated in ethnographic research.
subject: mobility patterns, maps

Kinship terminology of the Barguzin Buryats, 1967
Humphrey, Caroline
Affinal kin

Table: Gifts at a kolkhoz wedding, 1967
Humphrey, Caroline

Kinship terminology of the Barguzin Buryats, 1967
Humphrey, Caroline
Consanguineal kin

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 09
Humphrey, Caroline
Open sluice gate for flour mill.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 06
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 05
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 21
Humphrey, Caroline
Inside the cattle wintering shed (milking cows only).

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 03
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 13
Humphrey, Caroline

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 14
Humphrey, Caroline
School gymnasium.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 19
Humphrey, Caroline
Coal power station.

Caroline Humphrey - Buryatia photos - No. 20
Humphrey, Caroline
Cattle overwintering shed (also used for winter milking).