Herder household moving camps.
subject: moving
Xilingol - Herder woman preparing wooden spars for extension of the family dwelling (baishin).
subject: dwellings
Slaughtering a sheep.
subject: sheep slaughter
subject: herder households
Itinerant/migrant workers near Beijing, living in an excavated area by the side of the road.
subject: migrant labour
At the monastery in Xilin Xot (Xilingol aimag).
subject: monasteries
subject: branding foals
subject: Buddhist monk, Naadam
subject: settlements
subject: water use, watering livestock, wells
subject: anthropologists in the field, wrestling
subject: wrestling
subject: branding foals, horses, pastoralism
subject: wells
subject: Buddhist monk, offerings (ideenii tavag), ovoo
subject: ovoo
subject: cooking, vagonchik
subject: anthropologists in the field, research participants
subject: horses