(Grandparents of Tuya’s friend). Inside nice Ger (Pensioners’ ger). [22:55] B Roll, Hand sewing, man in foreground, details. [38:00] Getting into truck, (cute). [38:50] Power window on truck.
Erika Interview Part 2 of 2. B roll - Erika with younger sister Betty. Zanaa Jurmed Interview. Zanaa’s personal photos include some from 1990 hunger strike.
Offerings, incense. Crowd, people (many NMMH staff members with family). [5:04] Pan up to Shaman. [6:19] Offering. [8:24] Shaman hits camera for blessing. [9:40] Shaman hits camera for blessing.
Full title: The Mongols of Manchuria: Their tribal divisions, geographical distribution, historical relations with Manchus and Chinese, and present political problems.
The second of two films on Mongolia made by Granada Television in 1974–75 looks at life in Ulan Bator, the capital of Mongolia and home of a quarter of the population.
In the second part of his interview, Osor talked extensively about horses. He never imagined himself learning and becoming educated. He always thought of busying himself with horses.
J. Nadmid was born in 1936. She tended livestock before she got married. She worked as a janitor and cleaner at sum and brigade centers. From 1990 she started tending livestock.
Ariunzaya egch told how she established a congregation [tsuglaan] in Dornod aimag. Her uncle lived in Dornod, which is why she went there by car in 1996.
In the second part of her interview J. Garamhand told about the people who worked at the trade organizations. In the socialist period they occasionally had the problem of being in debt.